Monday, February 27, 2012


You know, last night I had seriously considered going here and liveblogging my thoughts on the Oscars, but here's pretty much what my train of thought ended up being:

lol "you go. NO, HUGO!"
Aw, shit, Danny Elfman! Hans Zimmer!
The Artist isn't winning shit.
Oh wait, The Artist won best picture.
Still, it lost in every other category.
CHRIS ROCK! "They tell me to say "it's getting dark outside." "IT'S GETTING DARK OUTSIDE. AND THEN THEY GIVE ME A MILLION DOLLARS".

Yeah, that's pretty much what my reactions were like. So, if you follow me on Twitter, that's what you got. A lot of caps lock and a lot of me freaking out about Pepper Potts and Tony Stark being on stage and presenting an Oscar together. IT'S LIKE AVENGERS SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE PROMOTIONS. Some things are just too perfect for this world to contain.

On a side note, I don't think I've ever told you guys that my dream is to become an Oscar-winning cinematographer (I was very pleased with Hugo taking the win for that one). I also want to have a Michael Bay-esque budget for a movie and blow a ton of stuff up, just for shits and giggles.

In the way of presenters, I was happy to see Christian Bale, Chris ROCK, Emma Stone (her bit was priceless, she's so cute), and, of course, Robert Downey Jr. and Gwenyth Paltrow. Now, I love me some Bradley Cooper, but what the hell was on his face? I don't understand. I didn't understand. I wish it would go away. ): Also: JLo and Cameron Diaz were TOO cute.

Meryl Streep's acceptance speech was too great. ("Whatever.")

Girl With The Dragon Tattoo won for editing (which I appreciated, that movie was phe-nom-e-nal), and Sound Mixing, Sound Editing and Visual Effects all went to Hugo, which I appreciated. As big a Harry Potter fan as I am, I was happy to see that Hugo won because that movie was great.

You can check out the full list of winners here at In other news, there's a new Avengers trailer coming out this week and frankly, that's all that matters.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Because I am such a failure

Because I am such a failure I have continually forgotten to update this. I think I last posted on Saturday. Friday? Who knows. REGARDLESS, I have some upcoming news and information for y'all. Or, not really. It's mostly just my rantings.

First up: Attack The Block. I have decided that this movie is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Fifteen and a half stars out of 15. I had to have the closed-captioning on so I could understand what they were saying, but it was really, really good. England? Check. Accents? Check. Language and syntax I didn't understand? Check. Awesome kids using regular weapons to take out hostile aliens that are taking over the building? Check. It was so well made, and the soundtrack, ugh. The soundtrack was so awesome. Is so awesome. It's up there in favorite soundtracks with Inception, Tron: Legacy, and The Social Network. Go check out Attack The Block if you can. It was so good.

What else, what else. I really hope that the Napoleon Dynamite TV show gets canceled. Yes, it's that bad.

Oh, I also watched Ides of March this weekend, but I was distracted from the storyline by the fact that Ryan Gosling is the definition of a perfect human being and I hope that nobody who reads this blog denies that.

TV premieres that are coming up that I'm excited for: Honestly? The only one I know about is "Touch" which is the new Fox show that has Kiefer Sutherland on it in a not-so-Jack-Bauer role. I watched the preview event, though, and it looked freaking great. Blew my mind. Other than that I heard about a show called NYC-22 but I doubt I'll get into it since the only 'cop' shows that I watch are Hawaii Five-0. And 24, but that's on DVD.

Upcoming movies that demand to be seen: Act Of Valor, The Lorax, 21 Jump Street even though it looks so dumb, Project X, The Hunger Games, AVENGERS(!!!!@##$) and Wrath of the Titans because all my friends want to see it.

And now I must go and continue to learn French.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Attack The Block

I mean look at them, they're just so ... so ... what's the word....

I'm watching, And enjoying. I love the sound that the things make, they have a creepy roar that has a really high pitched frequency and ... it's ingenious, really. I love it. The soundtrack, the story, the casting and the aliens. The damn aliens. I took a break from my 24 marathon to watch this and I am so glad I did. Because this is seriously brilliant. 

"See? Is that a dog?"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

STAR WARS EPISODE 1. And other pressing matters.

We all know how I feel about the prequels.

But I will say that Phantom Menace in 3D was actually quite good. I mean, okay. Despite the obvious problems (the .... storyline?) the 3D conversion was great, in particular for the podracing scene and the Duel of the Fates. And really I think I was just more pumped about seeing Star Wars up on the big screen again than I was for the 3d, but we got some SWEET 3D GLASSES OUT OF THE DEAL and a dad dressed his kids up as Yoda and Vader and it was the cutest thing in the world. I praised him as the best father in the world, though now that I think of it I feel it might have been a little premature to dress the kid as Vader since ... well, you know, that cute little kid that could not act for the life of him in the movie kind of turns into this angry brooding man-boy.

However I will contend that I wore my "Damn Right I Shot First" shirt to the movie. Damn right I did.

In other news. Marvel released a line of Avengers toys and they're cute. I mean, they're really cute. JUST LOOK AT LOKI WITH HIS MIGHTY F-150. I don't even play with Legos anymore but I may just buy these just to put them together and keep them as badass collectors items.

Or to take them to the movie with me and, you know, act like a boss in the movie when Loki comes driving up in this thing. Loki is just my favorite. Legos are cool, Avengers are awesome, and shit just got real.

In other news, nothing too much else interesting has happened in life this week. I'll have a midweek roundup for you tomorrow including a review of The Vow (hint: it'll be two words long).

And I'm still watching 24. Finished season 1 (totally forgot that Jack's wife died in the last episode and the season ended with him finding her body) (....spoiler alert), but I'm halfway through season 2 right now and he's up and at em, being a badass, kicking ass and taking names while working for CTU on a provisional basis. Because it's always a provisional basis.

In addition, I've added "crossing Jack Bauer in a dark alley under ANY circumstances" to my short list of "things that i never want to happen to me".

Until tomorrow.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Jack Bauer Power Hour

I went back to season 1. Hoping to get through it in about four days, tops, since I can only watch it for a few hours each night. I found a youtube video... and I probably would've died and cried laughing if this had been yelled at me. Does Kiefer/Jack ever say "DAMMIT SARAH!" throughout the course of the show? I know other people do ....

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Also: The Lorax.

Danny DeVito is a furry orange thing. Need I say more?

Midweek roundup: 2/8/12

Midweek roundup of ... trailers, movies, and stuff, and an update on my progress of getting through the entire series of "24" including Redemption before I have to return the entire series to the library, because I'm presently too poor to buy the actual box set. But the time will come when I do. Oh, and it will be glorious. Lots of good stuff this week with the Superbowl on Sunday, we've got Avengers, Hunger Games, and Spider Man, along with some other good stuff. More after the jump.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man @SpiderManMovie

"Your doorman's intimidating."

Avoiding all the controversy that's behind the whole "why are we making another Spider-Man", because really, I am so excited about this because Andrew Garfield and I'm really, really, really looking forward to it. For real. Seriously. SO LOOKING FORWARD. Here, have Trailer 2. And I'm thinking that tomorrow, I might enlist my friends and we'll do our own frame-by-frame of Avengers trailer. Because frankly, it needs to be done so we can have our own freakouts. And I mean, if I feel like it (which I probably will), I may just go on my merry way and do this one as well.

In the meantime, follow the Spider-Man movie on twitter @SpiderManMovie, Marvel on Facebook and Twitter, and me on Twitter.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Best watched with a bottle of vodka and 24 playing in the background, damn it.

Avengers Trailer Analysis.

That is all.


I'm still on 24, yo.

I mean, I have eight seasons and a damn TV movie to get through and only about 5 hours a day to watch them, and that's not counting how much I need to sleep or eat or occasionally do other things with my life but I will eventually get through them. I'm also apparently not going in order, but due to my slight OCD I might end up having to go back and go in order ..... all over again ..... season 1, before Jack Bauer decided that he needed a buzzcut. I wish you all could see my eyes right now, I just narrowed them at the screen. I mean, the short hair is better. More badass. BUT I DIGRESS. I started with Season 3 and then went into Season 4 but I think I'll double back and go to Season 2 or season 1 even though I don't really care for those two seasons.

Though, this is like my favorite video. Ever.

But then I'll have to go through and watch seasons 3 and 4 again. WHY IS LIFE SO DIFFICULT AND UFLLL OF DECISIONS LIKE THIS. I HATE IT. UGH. But my friends and I have decided to rotate our TV shows in and out every week. The girls want the guys to start watching Supernatural, and the guys want us to start watching Doctor Who, so every week we're going to watch an episode of each, followed by an episode of 24.

Anyway, so there's a bunch of good films coming out soon. Well, not really "good", I'm sure we all know how I feel about the prequels to Star Wars (with the exception of episode III, they all SUCKED A BIG ONE), but regardless, my friends and I are stoked to go and see it on Friday. IN 3D. DUN DUN DUN. But I saw Chronicle last weekend and it was actually quite good. I'm not a big fan of the 'found footage' style of shooting movies but Chronicle surprised me. A good one to go see if you're really .... really bored and have nothing to do. I've wanted to go and see One For The Money for quite some time now but I saw in the reviews that it was actually really terrible ... abysmal, even, so I'm staying away from it for now, or at least until it gets to the really cheap theater (three dollas for a movie yo).

In the meantime, this weekend we're seeing Star Wars, as I mentioned, and I'm really looking forward to three more moves that are supposed to be coming out soon:
This Is War (Tom Hardy, Chris Fine Pine)
The Vow (Channing YumYum and Rachel McAdams)
Act of Valor (with active duty Navy Seals)
and I think that's all for the next few weeks .... at least, I can't think of anything off the top of my head right now.

Heard The Woman In Black was good.

Also, because you're all so lucky, you'll get to see a blog post of me liveblogging a particularly intense (INTENSEEEEE!!!!!111!1!!!!) episode of 24. I hope you enjoy it. That's coming soon.

OH. OH. OH. OH. BEFORE I GO. DID EVERYONE SEE THE AVENGERS TRAILER? I seriously think I cried a little bit when I saw it for the first time. The last scene.