Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Because I am such a failure

Because I am such a failure I have continually forgotten to update this. I think I last posted on Saturday. Friday? Who knows. REGARDLESS, I have some upcoming news and information for y'all. Or, not really. It's mostly just my rantings.

First up: Attack The Block. I have decided that this movie is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Fifteen and a half stars out of 15. I had to have the closed-captioning on so I could understand what they were saying, but it was really, really good. England? Check. Accents? Check. Language and syntax I didn't understand? Check. Awesome kids using regular weapons to take out hostile aliens that are taking over the building? Check. It was so well made, and the soundtrack, ugh. The soundtrack was so awesome. Is so awesome. It's up there in favorite soundtracks with Inception, Tron: Legacy, and The Social Network. Go check out Attack The Block if you can. It was so good.

What else, what else. I really hope that the Napoleon Dynamite TV show gets canceled. Yes, it's that bad.

Oh, I also watched Ides of March this weekend, but I was distracted from the storyline by the fact that Ryan Gosling is the definition of a perfect human being and I hope that nobody who reads this blog denies that.

TV premieres that are coming up that I'm excited for: Honestly? The only one I know about is "Touch" which is the new Fox show that has Kiefer Sutherland on it in a not-so-Jack-Bauer role. I watched the preview event, though, and it looked freaking great. Blew my mind. Other than that I heard about a show called NYC-22 but I doubt I'll get into it since the only 'cop' shows that I watch are Hawaii Five-0. And 24, but that's on DVD.

Upcoming movies that demand to be seen: Act Of Valor, The Lorax, 21 Jump Street even though it looks so dumb, Project X, The Hunger Games, AVENGERS(!!!!@##$) and Wrath of the Titans because all my friends want to see it.

And now I must go and continue to learn French.

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