Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Midweek roundup: 2/8/12

Midweek roundup of ... trailers, movies, and stuff, and an update on my progress of getting through the entire series of "24" including Redemption before I have to return the entire series to the library, because I'm presently too poor to buy the actual box set. But the time will come when I do. Oh, and it will be glorious. Lots of good stuff this week with the Superbowl on Sunday, we've got Avengers, Hunger Games, and Spider Man, along with some other good stuff. More after the jump.

Anyway, here's the midweek roundup:

I'm just going to say that Marvel has produced a couple of really good trailers. Following the beauty of the Avengers ad on Sunday during that big football game of some sort was the trailer for the Amazing Spider-Man, which looks uhhhmaaaahzinnnngg. Granted, I'm quite partial to any movie that features Emma Stone AND Andrew Garfield together onscreen. It looks considerably darker and the tone is so much different from what the other movies were. And maybe Garfield won't have a weird dancing scene like the other movie did.
Oh man, I'm just going to die a regular fangirl death this  summer with all these movies coming out. Starting in March, I'm going to apologize right now for the outpouring of posts that we're going to be seeing here on this site. 

Also The Hunger Games trailer 2 came out. It actually leaked last Thursday and I've been saying it for a while now: that movie looks dang good. I'm a big fan of the books, so I'm really looking forward to Ross's adaptation of the novel to see how close it is. Because I'm that kind of person, that wants to see it be really close to the book. Also, Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss and Josh Hutcherson as Peeta. Couldn't be more awesome. 
A new trailer for the Bourne movie also came out recently, and originally I had kind of fallen out of sorts with this series. I mean, I love Matt Damon and I love movies where guys are kicking ass and being a badass, but I couldn't get into Supremacy or Ultimatum. HOWEVER .... I'm probably going to have to go see Legacy because of the simple fact that Jeremy Renner is in it, and I love Jeremy Renner. He was flawless in Hurt Locker, great and sarcastic in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, and I am really looking forward to seeing him in this movie. He looks crazy badass and I'm a big fan of the badassery. I could sit and watch him watch grass grow. It's a Renner riot -- Avengers AND Bourne? Whatever did I do to deserve such good fortune. 

Regarding my progress... I finished season 4 yesterday, and now I went back to season 1 so I could start from the beginning before the producers discovered that their favorite color for CTU was "blue".
Still one of the best seasons ever, though. So different from the later seasons. 

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