Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sometimes, we watch TV, too

So, I was very young when 24 was on TV. 
You know, 24. The show with Kiefer Sutherland where he was, basically, a damn badass in everything that he did.
I own seasons 1 and 3 (I don't know why just those two?) but I mean that show was just made of so much badassery that I can't contain myself. I'm watching them all through now (at age 21, the show came out when I was like 11 and I can't believe that my parents let me watch it. What with the "sonofabitch"es and the "I'm Jack Bauer and I do whatever the fuck I want" and the shit blowing up. But this show is so awesome and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to be forced to watch it. 

Anyway, back to life. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Liam Neeson Is A Badass.

I felt the need to capitalize all the first letters because I am simply stating facts. Liam Neeson is an action hero, and a damn good one at that. In Taken, he demonstrated his ability to hunt down people relentlessly.  In Star Wars, Episode 1 he demonstrated his ability to be a sweetass Jedi Knight with some badass lightsaber skills and awesome hair. Qui Gon Jinn took shit from nobody. He trained Obi-Wan well. And in The Grey, Liam Neeson didn't take no shit from anyone or anything. People on his flight? Fuck y'all, I'm trying to keep you alive. The Alaskan Tundra? Fuck you, snow, I'm Liam Neeson, I do what I want. Fucking wolves? Liam Neeson takes no shit from no wolves.

Are you catching my drift? Liam Neeson is a badass. The Grey was a great movie, and I don't even like movies about wilderness and people trying to survive. There was a wee bit too much blood for even my tastes, but it was still very good. Very snowy. Very grey. Very awesome. It's all about a group of stranded guys (who work on an oil rig) who are trying to survive the harsh Alaskan wilderness (which is similar to the rough Ohio wilderness) (corn, y'all) with Liam Neeson at the head of the charge.

Basically, it's awesome. You should go see it.

The Grey is in theaters today. :D

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fight for your honor! Fight for your future! Fight... for immortality!

Okay, so I think the first time we saw this trailer was during... maybe X-Men First Class? Probably earlier, but I mean, there are so many good things about this movie. Ancient stuff. Hyperion. The dude who plays Ares. Henry Cavill. The other dude that plays the one dude in Three Musketeers (Luke Evans. Who I thought was Professor X. THEY LOOK SO MUCH ALIKE, OKAY?) I know I'm being so specific right now.

And while it didn't get rave reviews, we certainly thought it was pretty awesome. Especially in 3D, and I'm not usually a big fan of 3D movies (I mean, it's like 13.75.) The gods were dressed all in gold. It was all about Theseus. There's a lot of kicking and Mickey Rourke has a cool helmet and man, if I could get my hands on a bow like there is in the movie, man, I totally would. Now, sure, the story was probably pretty stale. But as far as I know, this movie was awesome. It was a lot of fighting and people dancing around in their metal armor and so much slo-mo (I'm a sucker for slo-mo. I love slo-mo.) The editing and the cinematography was great.

I mean, all this movie needed was a good "THIS. IS. SPARTA." (though, I guess their equivalent to it was probably the whole "fight for your honor. fight for your future. fight for immortality!" deal.) and some Gerard Butler in a damn red cape to make this movie the pinnacle of awesomeness.

Immortals is on DVD March 6th.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Starbucks is pretentious.


We're sitting here at our midweek discussions (that we just started this week), talking about Star Wars, how much of a badass Liam Neeson is (which is seriously mostly just me because I'm all pumped up on seeing The Grey this Friday) and Michelle and I are cracking up over all things Supernatural.

I'll be posting the podcast from Star Wars: Episode 1 soon so you can hear us rant and rave about how awesome Liam Neeson is and how terrible Jake Lloyd.

Back to the space couch.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A good movie that we saw this summer:

Magneto's "bitch, I run this shit" face

X-Men: First Class. Now, I enjoy most of the X-Men films (except for the hot mess that was the last one, X-3, it's like 'What were they thinking'?) (and except for Wolverine but we don't talk about that one), but for the most part, I enjoy them. And even if I didn't enjoy the movie, I enjoyed Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Gandalf as Magneto, and Captain Picard as Professor Xavier.

Anyway. First Class featured a WHOLE new cast of players (though we still loved Jackman's "fuck off" cameo), each of which were very wonderful. James McAvoy as Professor X (I can't get over him in this movie. He made me want to laugh so much because he's always like "Mutants! lol, mutants are so cool and funny"), Michael Fassbender as Magneto? I mean, it was just so wonderful. It was a great 'intro' movie to the story of Charles and Erik. Plus, KEVIN BACON IS IN THIS MOVIE. WHAT MORE CAN WE ASK FOR? But, as a longtime fan of the X-Men franchise, this movie certainly didn't disappoint. And we went to see it with a group of people, which made it more fun. Sure, there were a few inaccuracies, but for the most part it was very entertaining. Though, I did not care for January Jones as Emma Frost. It went through the rise and, in a way, 'fall' of Erik and Charles' bromance friendship, how they acquired mutants. I distinctly remember saying after this movie that I desperately wanted to be an X-Man and that I was contemplating quitting my regular life to conquer this quest.

And that's all for the first installment of "A Good Movie That We Saw This Summer'. Back to channel surfing on the space couch.

For the record, we like a lot of movies that people tend to think are 'bad'.

By 'we' I mean me and the company that I usually keep, which consists of about five other people. We've started to gather in Chris's basement and record our reactions to movies. So far we've only done 'Rubber' (which was a trip and a half in and of itself since it's about a murderous tire) and Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (which I think we can all agree was not Lucas' greatest cinematic feat). But we do like a lot of other movies that people have written off as bad or even stupid. We don't look too deep into the acting or how shallow the plot may be. If we're entertained, we'll probably enjoy it. We thoroughly enjoyed 2011's 'Three Musketeers', however, we don't really get the 'science' behind movies like 'Darkest Hour' (so.... these aliens want our energy, I'm still not sure what kind of energy? but they're not drilling to the planet CORE, they're just looking for yummy minerals in the planet's surface. Right. Okay. Also the blonde girl in that movie? She's pretty and all, and she was a wee bit less annoying in Transformers, but GOD WAS SHE ANNOYING IN THAT MOVIE. Okay, I digress.) It can be very hit and miss. I'll upload the voice podcasts that we did of 'Rubber' and 'Star Wars: Episode I'. But occasionally I might have one of my friends come and join me on this adventure, on this blog, so we can liveblog a movie or something like that. We go to the movies when good movies are coming out (Liam Neeson? In a movie? I'll be there, regardless of what the movie's about.)

In addition, I am (kind of sort of yeah sure) going to school for video (even though the VCT program at BGSU is regrettably, kind of lame, but it's too late for me now), so from time to time you'll get my video projects (most likely with the five people I usually hang out with. I don't have much tolerance for anyone else). Right now we're working on a few miniseries of two different subjects. But we're still getting costumes and stuff for the second one so who knows when we'll get around to actually shooting this.

For now, that's all from the couch in space.

Go see 'The Grey' this weekend. It has Liam Neeson in it. But, if, for some unholy reason Liam Neeson being a badass isn't quite your cup of tea (I have to question if you're completely sane if that's the case), go see One For The Money. It's been in production for so long that the fact that it's finally getting released is a miracle. Plus, it looks good and Katherine Heigl is in it.

Time to go watch some Tron: Legacy.