Sunday, January 22, 2012

For the record, we like a lot of movies that people tend to think are 'bad'.

By 'we' I mean me and the company that I usually keep, which consists of about five other people. We've started to gather in Chris's basement and record our reactions to movies. So far we've only done 'Rubber' (which was a trip and a half in and of itself since it's about a murderous tire) and Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (which I think we can all agree was not Lucas' greatest cinematic feat). But we do like a lot of other movies that people have written off as bad or even stupid. We don't look too deep into the acting or how shallow the plot may be. If we're entertained, we'll probably enjoy it. We thoroughly enjoyed 2011's 'Three Musketeers', however, we don't really get the 'science' behind movies like 'Darkest Hour' (so.... these aliens want our energy, I'm still not sure what kind of energy? but they're not drilling to the planet CORE, they're just looking for yummy minerals in the planet's surface. Right. Okay. Also the blonde girl in that movie? She's pretty and all, and she was a wee bit less annoying in Transformers, but GOD WAS SHE ANNOYING IN THAT MOVIE. Okay, I digress.) It can be very hit and miss. I'll upload the voice podcasts that we did of 'Rubber' and 'Star Wars: Episode I'. But occasionally I might have one of my friends come and join me on this adventure, on this blog, so we can liveblog a movie or something like that. We go to the movies when good movies are coming out (Liam Neeson? In a movie? I'll be there, regardless of what the movie's about.)

In addition, I am (kind of sort of yeah sure) going to school for video (even though the VCT program at BGSU is regrettably, kind of lame, but it's too late for me now), so from time to time you'll get my video projects (most likely with the five people I usually hang out with. I don't have much tolerance for anyone else). Right now we're working on a few miniseries of two different subjects. But we're still getting costumes and stuff for the second one so who knows when we'll get around to actually shooting this.

For now, that's all from the couch in space.

Go see 'The Grey' this weekend. It has Liam Neeson in it. But, if, for some unholy reason Liam Neeson being a badass isn't quite your cup of tea (I have to question if you're completely sane if that's the case), go see One For The Money. It's been in production for so long that the fact that it's finally getting released is a miracle. Plus, it looks good and Katherine Heigl is in it.

Time to go watch some Tron: Legacy.

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