Monday, May 21, 2012


It's been a long time since we've had a good alien/sci-fi movie come out. I really don't remember the last good one that I saw in theaters—granted, my brain is still pretty fried from being so hyped up on Avengers, but I really couldn't tell you the last sci-fi movie that I really enjoyed that's come out in the past few years. I'm all about sci-fi, especially if it's well done.

Now, Prometheus. It really does look like it's going to scare the crap out of me. I can't even put my finger on why. Like I said, I love a good science-fiction movie. Aliens and technology and futuristic stuff that we don't have here (...yet...), what could be better than that? Computers that you control with your fingers on invisible screens displayed by lights in midair and all kinds of HUDs and holograms and stuff, so awesome. But every time I see a trailer for Prometheus (mostly just during the Avengers) I tell myself that I'm not going to be able to see it in theaters. Because it looks scary, dude. But then when I see a trailer later on, I'm all "OH YEAH THAT MOVIE LOOKS GREAT". So, I'm guessing I'm just going to have to see it to get over my fear/excitement of seeing it. Because really, if I could, I would totally make a cool futuristic science-fiction movie where they get trapped in some strange alien world but get to drive a cool spaceship and they get cool gadgets and all that jazz.

When the Hunger Games came out, that was considered a 'sci-fi' movie (I would have never called it that but whatever), but having seen that movie and seen that it's a damn disappointment, I'm really looking forward to Prometheus. They have this cool viral marketing thing that they're doing where they post videos—a TED talk, an advert for David, David the Android introduction video, and 'Quiet Eye'—and let me just say, I love viral marketing. I think viral marketing, when it's well done, is an excellent way to get people interested in a movie. Making 'fake websites' for the companies in movies (Harvey Dent's campaign website for Dark Knight...actually, the entire marketing campaign for Dark Knight was ridiculously intricate. And awesome.) is a great way to get people to explore and learn about the movie's characters, background, etc. It's especially helpful for films like Prometheus, whose plot has been under wraps for so long. Viral marketing is good for a movie that you don't want to reveal the plot for.

Anyway, so, Prometheus. I haven't done a lot of digging about the movie but I have watched all the videos above and I've seen the trailers, obviously. I just don't want to dig too much because the problem with the trailers is that they give so much away already. I feel like I know what's going to happen in the movie already and that's really disappointing to me, but who knows? Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. Or, you know, completely scared. Either way, I know I'm going to enjoy it.

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