Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Avengers 2/3

Things I've noticed seeing the movie a couple of times:

  1. Thor does not wear his helmet in this film. It drives me a little bit insane.
  2. Between when Nick Fury is talking to Thor about 'what do you expect me to do' and when he appears in the science!bro room, he apparently has brushed his hair.
  3. Where is Loki in the time between the [SPOILER] shawarma and the trip back to Asgard? Obviously he's just sitting in a car somewhere, pissed that the Avengers are having a cute little lunch date and he's just chilling in a car. Without shawarma. 
  4. Here's how the conversation between Tony and Pepper is going to go in Iron Man 3:
    Pepper: Hey, remember when you got all on my case about the sweaty workmen in the elevator?
    Tony: Hey, remember when I was flying into space on a one way trip and you didn't answer the phone?
  5. That's actually all. 

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