Sunday, May 13, 2012

Another Avengers Rant (1/3)

Having seen Avengers several times in theatres already (I can't stop!) I just felt like posting a few of my favourites from the film/Avengers 'series' of films.

Favourite movie: Thor. I love Thor so much because it's the funniest, to me, and it has the best characters. Yeah, Iron Man and Iron Man 2 are pretty hilarious but Thor just gets me. Also, because my favourite character is in this movie, and he also plays a pretty huge part in Avengers, it makes sense that I was thrilled when he was finally introduced in Thor. Which brings us to...

Favourite character: Loki. From the comics to the screen, Loki is my favourite character ever. Always has been and always will be, and I love the fact that he's the main villain in Avengers because, let's face it, Tom Hiddleston makes a perfect Loki. And like I said in my previous Avengers related post, you can really see that turning point in Thor. When he is 'forced' to take over the throne, you can see that change, a bit of hesitation. He was born to rule. Anyway, Hiddleston's Loki. He's dark, he's dangerous, and, frankly, he plays batshit!Loki perfectly. But not in the 'bag full of cats' kind of way that I think Banner means—Loki's insane. Drunk with power. Blinded by the prospect of controlling an entire world, without regard for who is in it. So blind that he doesn't see the inevitable truth—just as Natasha Romanoff questioned what Loki would do with Clint Barton once his goal was reached (which is one of my favourite parts of the movie because you rean really see how dark and insane Loki is, right there at that part), Loki doesn't seem to understand—what would happen to him once his goal was reached? Would the Chitauri really let him go, or let him rule, or is he really just the means to an end? In Avengers, there's a part where he says to Tony, 'Are you going to try to appeal to the humanity inside me?' or something to that effect, and we all know that it won't work (hence Tony's 'no, I'm going to threaten you'), because the only person that could able to do that is Thor. Thor, truthfully, is the only person that we can see that Loki is terrified of. In the SHIELD quinjet, Captain America says, "What's the matter, scared of a little lightning?" to which Loki replies, "I'm not overly fond of what follows." Then Thor tries to appeal to him, telling him to give up this 'poisonous dream', which, really, is what it is. It happens twice in the movie—later, on Stark Tower, you can see the hesitation. I could seriously rant and rave about Hiddleston's performance as Loki because he brought my favourite character to live and made him real. He made the insanity that is Loki real, the 'disgraced' son of Odin, the adopted brother of Thor, in the movie you can tell that Loki has taken all this into account and it has made him who he is in the film. He's dark. He's wounded. He's so angry (I was about to write 'pissed off, but I don't think that that really covers it. I mean, I'm pissed off when I don't have chocolate, so I don't think it's that way), but he believes so firmly in his cause that he'll use any means possible to achieve it. Loki really believes that he would rule the world, the humans. He is psychotic. And I love it. I love the translation from page to screen. Makes me so happy. Also: this picture:

Favourite Avenger: Iron Man. Tony Stark is such a sassy little asshole, I love it. He's neurotic and brilliant, not necessarily a good combination, but regardless, it's great. Robert Downey Jr. is the only person that can play Tony Stark in my world, and he pulls it off flawlessly. Also, this scene:

Biggest surprise: That I was pleased with Ruffalo's Hulk.

Favourite SHIELD Agent: This is practically a no-brainer because everyone loves Coulson. Yeah, Nick Fury is a badass ("... but given that it's a stupid ass decision...."), but Coulson is so deadpan funny that it kills. We see a little bit of fanboy!Coulson with Captain America which is so, so funny, but when he comes at Loki with the ... destroyer gun, his whole "You like this? Even I don't know what it does." just kills me every time. I love Coulson. He's pretty much one of the best characters in the entire series. And I love that Tony Stark, despite his whole "his first name is Agent", really did consider Coulson a good guy and a close friend--I think that was something that needed to be touched on in the films, and there it was. AND LOOK HE GOT HIS OWN POSTER (:

Anyway, that's all I got for now. I think this'll be part 1/3.

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