Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Avengers 2/3

Things I've noticed seeing the movie a couple of times:

  1. Thor does not wear his helmet in this film. It drives me a little bit insane.
  2. Between when Nick Fury is talking to Thor about 'what do you expect me to do' and when he appears in the science!bro room, he apparently has brushed his hair.
  3. Where is Loki in the time between the [SPOILER] shawarma and the trip back to Asgard? Obviously he's just sitting in a car somewhere, pissed that the Avengers are having a cute little lunch date and he's just chilling in a car. Without shawarma. 
  4. Here's how the conversation between Tony and Pepper is going to go in Iron Man 3:
    Pepper: Hey, remember when you got all on my case about the sweaty workmen in the elevator?
    Tony: Hey, remember when I was flying into space on a one way trip and you didn't answer the phone?
  5. That's actually all. 

Monday, May 21, 2012


It's been a long time since we've had a good alien/sci-fi movie come out. I really don't remember the last good one that I saw in theaters—granted, my brain is still pretty fried from being so hyped up on Avengers, but I really couldn't tell you the last sci-fi movie that I really enjoyed that's come out in the past few years. I'm all about sci-fi, especially if it's well done.

Now, Prometheus. It really does look like it's going to scare the crap out of me. I can't even put my finger on why. Like I said, I love a good science-fiction movie. Aliens and technology and futuristic stuff that we don't have here (...yet...), what could be better than that? Computers that you control with your fingers on invisible screens displayed by lights in midair and all kinds of HUDs and holograms and stuff, so awesome. But every time I see a trailer for Prometheus (mostly just during the Avengers) I tell myself that I'm not going to be able to see it in theaters. Because it looks scary, dude. But then when I see a trailer later on, I'm all "OH YEAH THAT MOVIE LOOKS GREAT". So, I'm guessing I'm just going to have to see it to get over my fear/excitement of seeing it. Because really, if I could, I would totally make a cool futuristic science-fiction movie where they get trapped in some strange alien world but get to drive a cool spaceship and they get cool gadgets and all that jazz.

When the Hunger Games came out, that was considered a 'sci-fi' movie (I would have never called it that but whatever), but having seen that movie and seen that it's a damn disappointment, I'm really looking forward to Prometheus. They have this cool viral marketing thing that they're doing where they post videos—a TED talk, an advert for David, David the Android introduction video, and 'Quiet Eye'—and let me just say, I love viral marketing. I think viral marketing, when it's well done, is an excellent way to get people interested in a movie. Making 'fake websites' for the companies in movies (Harvey Dent's campaign website for Dark Knight...actually, the entire marketing campaign for Dark Knight was ridiculously intricate. And awesome.) is a great way to get people to explore and learn about the movie's characters, background, etc. It's especially helpful for films like Prometheus, whose plot has been under wraps for so long. Viral marketing is good for a movie that you don't want to reveal the plot for.

Anyway, so, Prometheus. I haven't done a lot of digging about the movie but I have watched all the videos above and I've seen the trailers, obviously. I just don't want to dig too much because the problem with the trailers is that they give so much away already. I feel like I know what's going to happen in the movie already and that's really disappointing to me, but who knows? Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. Or, you know, completely scared. Either way, I know I'm going to enjoy it.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Another Avengers Rant (1/3)

Having seen Avengers several times in theatres already (I can't stop!) I just felt like posting a few of my favourites from the film/Avengers 'series' of films.

Favourite movie: Thor. I love Thor so much because it's the funniest, to me, and it has the best characters. Yeah, Iron Man and Iron Man 2 are pretty hilarious but Thor just gets me. Also, because my favourite character is in this movie, and he also plays a pretty huge part in Avengers, it makes sense that I was thrilled when he was finally introduced in Thor. Which brings us to...

Favourite character: Loki. From the comics to the screen, Loki is my favourite character ever. Always has been and always will be, and I love the fact that he's the main villain in Avengers because, let's face it, Tom Hiddleston makes a perfect Loki. And like I said in my previous Avengers related post, you can really see that turning point in Thor. When he is 'forced' to take over the throne, you can see that change, a bit of hesitation. He was born to rule. Anyway, Hiddleston's Loki. He's dark, he's dangerous, and, frankly, he plays batshit!Loki perfectly. But not in the 'bag full of cats' kind of way that I think Banner means—Loki's insane. Drunk with power. Blinded by the prospect of controlling an entire world, without regard for who is in it. So blind that he doesn't see the inevitable truth—just as Natasha Romanoff questioned what Loki would do with Clint Barton once his goal was reached (which is one of my favourite parts of the movie because you rean really see how dark and insane Loki is, right there at that part), Loki doesn't seem to understand—what would happen to him once his goal was reached? Would the Chitauri really let him go, or let him rule, or is he really just the means to an end? In Avengers, there's a part where he says to Tony, 'Are you going to try to appeal to the humanity inside me?' or something to that effect, and we all know that it won't work (hence Tony's 'no, I'm going to threaten you'), because the only person that could able to do that is Thor. Thor, truthfully, is the only person that we can see that Loki is terrified of. In the SHIELD quinjet, Captain America says, "What's the matter, scared of a little lightning?" to which Loki replies, "I'm not overly fond of what follows." Then Thor tries to appeal to him, telling him to give up this 'poisonous dream', which, really, is what it is. It happens twice in the movie—later, on Stark Tower, you can see the hesitation. I could seriously rant and rave about Hiddleston's performance as Loki because he brought my favourite character to live and made him real. He made the insanity that is Loki real, the 'disgraced' son of Odin, the adopted brother of Thor, in the movie you can tell that Loki has taken all this into account and it has made him who he is in the film. He's dark. He's wounded. He's so angry (I was about to write 'pissed off, but I don't think that that really covers it. I mean, I'm pissed off when I don't have chocolate, so I don't think it's that way), but he believes so firmly in his cause that he'll use any means possible to achieve it. Loki really believes that he would rule the world, the humans. He is psychotic. And I love it. I love the translation from page to screen. Makes me so happy. Also: this picture:

Favourite Avenger: Iron Man. Tony Stark is such a sassy little asshole, I love it. He's neurotic and brilliant, not necessarily a good combination, but regardless, it's great. Robert Downey Jr. is the only person that can play Tony Stark in my world, and he pulls it off flawlessly. Also, this scene:

Biggest surprise: That I was pleased with Ruffalo's Hulk.

Favourite SHIELD Agent: This is practically a no-brainer because everyone loves Coulson. Yeah, Nick Fury is a badass ("... but given that it's a stupid ass decision...."), but Coulson is so deadpan funny that it kills. We see a little bit of fanboy!Coulson with Captain America which is so, so funny, but when he comes at Loki with the ... destroyer gun, his whole "You like this? Even I don't know what it does." just kills me every time. I love Coulson. He's pretty much one of the best characters in the entire series. And I love that Tony Stark, despite his whole "his first name is Agent", really did consider Coulson a good guy and a close friend--I think that was something that needed to be touched on in the films, and there it was. AND LOOK HE GOT HIS OWN POSTER (:

Anyway, that's all I got for now. I think this'll be part 1/3.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

And so the summer movie season begins.

Summer is always a great time to go to the movies. Why? Because everyone's out of school, we can stay out late, go to midnight releases, all without having to worry about if we have exams the next day. It's pretty awesome. So, without further delay, here's the list of summer movies that my friends and I will most likely be checking out.

Marvel's The Avengers (5/4)  Obviously this kind of opened the summer season (in a big way, it's the highest grossing film of all time now), so having this come out this past week was a great way to kick off the summer season.

Dark Shadows (5/11) I mostly just want to see this because, let's face it: the TV show was so campy and corny.

Battleship (5/18) I feel like I need to make it clear that I don't really want to see this movie. Yeah, I like explosions but a movie based off of a game that's more fun when played with pizza boxes and shots just doesn't really cut it for me. I mostly just want to see it so I can poke at all the little plot holes in it.

Men In Black III (5/25) I'm not a huge fan of the MIB series—I'm a borderline fan, not obsessed but not completely unaware of what they are. But it looks good. I'll need a refresher, because I don't really remember what's happening in the other two movies, but it still looks good!

Snow White and the Huntsmen (6/1) In the spectrum of all the movies and TV shows about Snow White/fairy tales/whatever that have come out this year (seriously, where did all this hype come from, these things have been around for hundreds of years...), this one actually looks the best because it looks so dark. It's a different take on a classic fairy tale (at least, I think it is, I obviously haven't seen the movie yet), and ... wait for it ... Kristen Stewart actually shows some emotion. So, it looks pretty good.

Prometheus (6/8)It just got announced that this movie has an "R" rating. I've wanted to see it since I heard about it, but now I really want to see it because it means that they won't hold anything back. Pure Ridley Scott sci-fi goodness. Bring it. I seriously don't even know what this movie is about, I mean, the previews have been pretty cryptic and I don't want to go and search out what it's about online, but this movie just looks so awesome.

Brave (6/22) — I'm a sucker for Pixar movies. It looks good.

G.I. Joe: Retaliation (6/29) — Yeah, Rise of Cobra wasn't perfect. But I am only a female—who am I to pass up an opportunity

The Amazing Spider-Man (7/3) — Andrew Garfield, I love him so much. This movie looks so good, I'm so excited. My inner fangirl is just dying at all the comic book stuff that's going to be happening this summer. We didn't get tickets to Comic-Con (which kind of killed my soul), but these will have to do. Maybe we'll just fly to California and skulk around the outside of the convention centre.

Savages (7/6) — It looks okay. I'm not a fan of Blake Lively, but whatever, it looks okay.

The Dark Knight Rises (7/20) —I think that, in light of all the Avengers hype, I may have passed over this a little bit but I'm truthfully so excited for this movie. I love all of Nolan's Batman films and I'm really looking forward to it. Mostly because one of my friends and I have it in our heads that Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character, cop John Blake, is going to be Nightwing. We're aware that there will be no more Batman movies from Nolan, but hey. You never know what those studios have up their sleeves.

The Bourne Legacy (8/3) — Jeremy Renner. And his arms. And his face. That's enough for me. Also: Edward Norton, who I think is so cute.

Total Recall (8/3) — This movie will be awesome. Period. That's all. I'm so freaking excited for this movie. And it comes out the same day as the Jeremy Renner/ Edward Norton arms extravaganza/face extravaganza. This is the 'Colin Farrell is really hot all around' extravaganza.

That's all I can think of right now. There will probably be a couple more movies that I'll end up seeing this summer, but for right now, these will all do.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The #Avengers is a comic nerd's dream. #LokisArmy

Oh, hey. It's been a while. I know it's been a while since we've talked, but I feel I should let y'all know ....

The Avengers came out last night.

And it was bleeping amazing.

There are so few movies that have been able to genuinely impress me lately (cough the suckfest that was Hunger Games cough), but I can honestly say that this is probably my favourite movie ever made. Early predictions are slating it to take over as one of the biggest grossing weekends ever, and I'm sure that that'll come from me somewhat since I'm seeing it a few times this weekend.

I am against spoilers. Therefore I won't post what happens in the movie until a few weeks from now, but I just want to preface the movie for you: all of my friends and I are huge comic nerds. Really, we could probably write a book called "Nerdism Amongst The Corn" because I really think we were the most obsessed people in the theater that night. I'm going to skip straight to the end (side note: stay all the way through the credits), but two of my friends and I let out a collective three-person-consecutive gasp when we saw the proceeding scenes. You don't understand. Now we have to wait for Avengers 2 to come out, even though we've already planned out what's inevitably going to happen in this movie.

This movie was so well done. All hail Joss Whedon. It's the kind of movie where it got out at 2:30 am and we stood around outside the theater and talked until 5am. Everything about this movie thoroughly impressed me. We laughed. We cried. I screamed a few times and I hit one of my friends when something really upsetting happened.

The Avengers movie was the kind of movie that had very serious undertones--we're talking about the destruction of our world, here--but then there's people like Tony Stark who have an inability to take things seriously until shit gets really real, but who will do anything to save people. We have Thor, for whom this battle is considerably more personal than for everyone else. Hulk, who befriends one of the Avengers as we see at the end of the film and despite his previous saying of "we're not a team, we're a time-bomb", ends up having that view challenged. Captain America, who has some of the funniest comic-relief lines because, well, he's from the forties. Hawkeye, who gets a considerable amount of screen time and is proven to be an integral part of the team and Black Widow, a formidable assassin who, under her tough-girl exterior, exhibits true fear in the face of death.

And then there's Loki. Before I get into Tom Hiddleston's performance,  I have to preface this by saying that Loki is my favourite Marvel character ever. And this is a girl that loves Thor and loves Iron Man, for me, it will always be Loki as my favourite character. It is incomprehensible how much I love Loki. In the film, Loki is perfect. Loki is flawless. In Thor, we're introduced to this 'son' of Odin who is somewhat timid, living in the shadow of his older brother. Loki's descent (or ascent) into the powerful being that he appears as in Avengers is a completely different character from what we see in Thor. It's still very distinctly the trickster, but it's more the Loki we see towards the end of the film. It's the sarcastically callous and yes, evil, god that we are introduced to in this film. I always think back to Thor when I look back on this movie now, because there's a scene in that movie where Loki is speaking with Odin, and the conversation goes:

Odin: You're my son. I wanted only to protect you from the truth.
Loki: What, because I am the monster that parents tell their children about at night?
And then, right here is where we see the anger:
Loki: It all makes sense now, why you favoured Thor all these years. Because no matter how much you claimed to love me, you could never have a frost giant sitting on the throne of Asgard.
This conversation is the turning point in Loki's character development. There is a moment in Avengers where we briefly see his good side again but it's very brief. In Avengers we see a dark side of Loki that was only slightly explored in Thor. He's a wonderful villain. The best.

And oh my. I had my doubts about Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk, but he was so, so impressive. I loved his performance through and through, and furthermore, I rescind my previous doubts because he erased them all. He was funny in a very deadpan way--he had a certain kind of self-depreciating humour.

I can't say enough about this movie. Which means that it's time to go and see it again. The Avengers Assembled and they were great.