Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bourne Legacy & Total Recall

I think it should be mentioned that this movie is coming out in about a month, and I'm really excited about it. Jeremy Renner is one of my favourite actors and I'm really excited to see him in the next Bourne installment. And Edward Norton.

The trailers are making this movie look pretty amazing. It's been pushed back a week, so now it comes out August 10th, but that's good news for me because that means....

I can dedicate the entire weekend of the 3rd to being stoked about this movie:

Total Recall is one of those movies that I really hope I'm not getting myself too excited for, only to be disappointed. I love science-fiction thrillers. I'm really excited about this movie. Also I just really love Colin Farrell and I'm not sure I could deal with him and Jeremy Renner all in one weekend. Looking forward to both of these!

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