Friday, November 16, 2012

This Week In Trailers

In tandem with my post yesterday about how YA books are being made into movies, yesterday, three trailers were released for two semi-popular franchises. Beautiful Creatures is an upcoming paranormal romance movie that I honestly have no idea what it's about from the trailer. I say this as I have the book sitting about three feet away from me and I'm pretty sure that it's due within the next week at the library but I haven't had time to read it between having a job and no life and school. But anyway.

The trailer for Beautiful Creatures can be viewed here. Or, you can just watch it below.

I don't know. I'm not sure that I really have an opinion on it, because I haven't read the book and generally I like to read the book that the movie is based off of so I can nitpick at everything that was wrong with it (not really, but you all saw how much I completely loathed Hunger Games). But I suppose that it looks okay. The concept--she's turning dark in a matter of days, and if the darkness overcomes her or something the world will be destroyed? I don't know. That's what I got out of it from Emmy Rossum and Emmy Rossum is great. So we'll mark it down as a 'maybe' in terms of whether or not I'll actually go see it. I'm not into the actors playing Lena and .... whoever the boy's name is. (Ethan. Wikipedia, yo). I've never even heard of the male actor, Alden, and he was in an episode of my favourite TV show, Supernatural. Huh. The more you know.

Then, there's The Host. You know, the not-Twilight books from Twilight Author Stephenie Meyer. The trailer is here. It would look good except for the obvious lack of Jake Abel in the previews, which I find disturbing since he's kind of important. I mean, in my world. Maybe he's not important in the movie. I don't know. But the trailer just didn't make any sense. For people like me who have not read The Host, the trailer just did not bring me in or make me want to see the movie. So, we'll have to see about that one.

And finally, there's The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, which is the new answer to Hunger Games and Harry Potter and will eventually be the replacement for Twilight since there are like 345456 books in this series (okay, okay, there are five. Six.) And while the trailer (here) for this movie just doesn't really look that good, the poster is pretty cool.

Here's the trailer: 

I mean, okay. On the off chance that I publish a book and it gets turned into a movie, great. But that's not happening for probably at least another decade. And I'm not happy with how any of these movies look. ):

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