Monday, October 1, 2012

Marvel's the Avengers BluRay/DVD

Remember when Avengers came out on DVD and it was just the most beautiful thing that could have ever happened? Yeah. It's still pretty much the most awesome thing that could have ever happened. The extras, while they're a little bit ... underwhelming, are still great, and the audio commentary by Joss Whedon is just perfect for any Whedon fan. And, furthermore, we get a first for any Marvel film..

wait for it ....


Though, when you think about it, this is the perfect movie to throw a gag reel in. It was funny, touching, heartwarming, and at the same time, it had incredibly serious undertones. Some of the other movies just wouldn't work with a gag reel because they're too serious. But throw a bunch of superheroes into a room and think about how funny it would be. Marvel's Avengers is the perfect movie, and now we all get to own it in our homes. How wonderful is that?

Seriously, could anything be more awesome? I haven't seen it in TV 3D (I'm poor and can't afford that crap) but I'm guessing it's probably just as good as it was in theaters. Just on a smaller screen.

That's all I've got for you today. Resident Evil is coming out this week and then Halo is next week. A couple more games are slated for the end of the month. I'll have a post about Looper ready by tomorrow.

Until then: Sayonara and adios!

-Space Cadet